Wanting to Blog and not Having the Words
I’ve been wanting to write a blog post for months now, but every time I sit down to write, nothing comes to me. Or I have an idea but just don’t know how to put it in words, so it makes sense. I have been so busy lately with test knits I really haven’t had much time for anything else. I am very much looking forward to taking a break from test knitting to focus on my own designs. I have a several designs that I am very excited to get back to working on. Although I enjoy test knitting it also seems like work a lot of the time and less fun that just personal knitting for fun. Designing can also feel that way and when I was releasing pattern after pattern earlier in the year I realized I needed a break.
Sometimes it’s good just to take a step back and switch it up a bit. I did a lot of designing at the beginning of the year and then I moved over to test knitting and now I am ready to get back into the design aspect but also just to take time and knit for fun. I miss it, but also, I haven’t been finding pattern that are speaking to me. It’s hard for me to knit things my heart isn’t into. Often when that happens I either frog it or set it down for months until I gain interest again. I wouldn’t say I am in a knitting funk exactly but very much looking forward to switching it up.