2022 Knitting Goals
What a great year 2021 was for knitting. It was terrible in so many other ways, but for me 2021 really gave me time to focus on my knitting. I accomplished a lot and am proud of myself for stepping outside of my comfort zone and pushing myself to try new things.
Goal 1: Publish more knitting patterns
I was so proud of myself for publishing my first knitting pattern. It was a true labor of love and although there were many moments when I wanted to throw in the towel I kept going and am so glad that I did. I have so many more ideas for patterns that my number 1 goal this year is to publish more patterns.
Goal 2: Create more knitting tutorials
This year I started publishing knitting tutorials on YouTube. I have found YouTube to be such a wonderful resource as someone who often needs the visual aid to show me how to do something rather than reading about it. I found often what I was looking for wasn’t there and figured why not start making my own videos. It’s been fun and I hope to make more of them.
Goal 3: Stop buying so much yarn
I have this goal every year and every year I start off so good and then around April I fall of the edge and start buying yarn again. My stash is seriously out of control, and I really hope I do better this year and try as much as possible to knit from stash. Of course, there will be times when I need to buy yarn for a certain project, but I hope I can keep it to that instead of just buying yarn to have it.
Goal 4: Knit for the fun of it not because I have to
Often over the last year I found I was knitting because I felt like I had to not because I wanted to. Obviously, there are times in any project where you hit a slump but that is not what I am talking about here. I found I put this ridiculous pressure on myself to knit every day and finish an absurd number of projects for no other reason than I felt like I had to. I found I knit things that are although beautiful I will never wear or wasn’t happy with the outcome because I was rushing to finish. This year I hope I can take away some of that pretend pressure I put on myself and just relax and knit.