Knitting Funk


I have been in a knitting funk lately and I hate it. I go through these phases every now and again, sometimes they last only a couple hours other times days to weeks. It usually happens right after I’ve finished a big project which is what I suspect is what put me in this current funk. I just finished this massive colorwork sweater which turned out amazing (if I do say so myself). After finishing a big project and the rush of endorphins (yes knitters can get a finished project high, don’t judge) all other WIP’s (works in progress for all you non-knitters out there) just don’t seem interesting.

Usually what gets me out of a funk is finding a new amazing pattern to CO (cast on) or playing with fun new yarn. The problem I’ve had recently is no patterns are really speaking to me. I have all this yarn caked (meaning wound from its skein into a nice ball) and ready to knit, but nothing is speaking to me. I have swatched (a small test knit 4”x4” square to make sure your gauge is correct before knitting and finding out it is either way to big or small) and then don’t like how the colors go together or deciding I don’t feel like knitting that project.

The other issue I’ve had recently is that I have been in frog heaven lately (to frog [verb]: when undoing knitting work one must rip it back; frogs make the noise “ribbit”, sounds like “rip-it”, haha I know knitters are lame). I’m realizing a lot of projects I’ve started I just don’t like. Why bother spending up to 40 hours knitting a project your heart just isn’t in or something you realize you will never wear?

All I can say is I hope this knitting funk passes quickly and I can fall back in love with my current WIP’s. They really will be amazing when they are finished, I just know it.


New Yarn


I think I have a problem…