Knitting Bags and Notions


I am obsessed with knitting bags. I own way more than I will ever need, but like yarn I enjoy looking at them and picking the right project for the bag. I have divided them up into seasons and try and only use those bags during that given season. Weird I know, but hey that’s me in a nutshell, weird. There is one brand I love and only use her knitting bags anymore. There is something about the quality of Pea Pod Threads that has just topped all the other knitting bags I have tried. Not to mention she uses the most amazing fabrics. I probably own at least 50 of these bags, I’m obsessed I tell you. The pockets are placed perfectly, and they are the perfect size for my various projects. Throw in a good matching notions pouch and I am one happy knitter. Having traveled with them several times I know they hold up well to wear and tear and are easy to clean. It’s fun to take fun knitting pics with the bag while on my travels and have the print match the environment.

Like my crazy yarn stash my crazy knitting bag stash brings me so much joy. Not to mention I then get to put all my knitting pins on them. I have quite the collection, and it is hard to pick a favorite, but The Clever Clove and my Disney pins are up there. I mean how can you not love an adorable hedgehog named Henrietta and all her cute friends. I have more of those pins than I care to count, but like my knitting bags and I love to change up the pins constantly. My Disney pins remind me of past trips to Disneyland and DisneyWorld and hotels we have stayed at. It always brings a smile to my face to look at those pins and remember those trips. My random smattering of other pins are fun, like the bags and the yarn they all tell a story and it makes the knitting that much more fun.


Then you add in my obsession with stitch makers and it makes me sound like a real nutter. Like the bags and pins I have a very unhealthy obsession with stitch markers. I can’t help it, I just love An Caitin Beag’s stitch markers. It was a sad day when she canceled her stitch marker club, but at least there is still the advent kits. I can spend hours looking through all my different stitch markers and picking out the perfect ones for the project I am about to start. Just like with the knitting bags it’s fun to find just the right marker for the project. Along with the fancy stitch markers I also love the plain boring ones as well. It doesn’t take much to please me.


Guthrie 2.0-aka heavily modified


Shifty Saga- Part 4